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Have you ever done a double-take at a $97 price tag? It’s everywhere. Let’s decode the magic behind this number and understand how integrating it can redefine your pricing strategies.

1. First Impressions Count: Introducing The Left-Digit Effect

Here's some science magic: Doesn’t $59.99 seem friendlier than a full-on $60, even if it's just a penny off? That’s the left-digit effect for you. 

Research, including studies from sharp minds like Thomas and Morwitz in 2005, highlights our brain's love affair with the first number. So, a tempting course priced at $297? It just feels more within reach. Perception is everything!

2. Dare to be Different: The 97 Pricing Strategy

Standing out is the name of the game.

Choosing the 97 Path: While a majority cling to the more traditional 99 or rounded figures, opting for 97 bestows your pricing with an unexpected twist. It’s a head-turner!

Adding a Dash of Exclusivity: Interestingly, a 97 ending subtly hints at something extraordinary awaiting your clients.

3. Cultivating Genuine Connections

Moreover, beyond mere digits, the world of wellness and coaching revolves around heartfelt relationships and transformative experiences. Surprisingly, even that 97 can serve as a bridge to genuine connections.

Tapping into the Heart's Beat: Diving into Bechara's 1997 research reveals our inclination towards decisions swayed by emotions. Thus, wrapping your price with a 97 bow might just strike a resonant chord with prospective clients.

4. Peeling Back the Layers: The Numerology Behind 97

But wait, numbers aren’t just numbers—they radiate a certain energy. Let's delve into the 97 mix:

The Story of Nine: Often symbolizing endings and fresh starts, nine mirrors the transformative promise you promise to your clients.

Sending Out Good Vibes: If your brand is all about positivity, growth, and transformation, the 97 price is like your brand's secret wink to the like-minded out there. Seven aligns beautifully with wellness and coaching realms.

5. Aligning Energetically

For those deeply connected to the world of energy, numbers have their unique vibrations. By aligning with 97, you're not merely setting a price—you're harmonizing with the energies your sessions are designed to evoke.

6. Authenticity and Impact

It's important to remember that the real magic lies in the authenticity and impact of your offerings. So, while it's crucial to adapt, it's equally vital to stay rooted in your core principles.

7. Weaving Your Signature Story in Your Pricing Strategies

Sure, 97 is a cool number, but what truly defines your brand is the transformations you ignite. Your pricing should be an echo of the immense value you offer.

Final Thoughts: Harnessing the 97 Momentum

Pricing isn't just about numbers—it's strategy, it's storytelling, and it’s a touch of magic. As you pave your path, remember: choosing between $97 and $99 isn't just about cents—it's about making sense. Dive in, and let the magic unfold!

Check out my article:

Crafting Compelling Offers and Packages for Coaches