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The start of a new year is the perfect time for coaches and transformational entrepreneurs to reflect on their progress and create goals to drive business success in the coming months and years.

You need to set your sights high to take your business to new heights. Goal setting has many benefits, such as allowing you to focus on what you want, helping you stay on track, and making forward progress.

While there are numerous strategies and systems for goal setting, I’m sharing some tips and tricks I’ve found most helpful as I set goals to drive business success.

Set Challenging Goals for Your Business

Any goal won't do! Goals that are too difficult will lead to frustration and hinder business growth. If your goals are too challenging, you will feel defeated. Different-sized goals are essential: 

Small Goals: You can reach them easily with just a little extra effort.

Medium Goals: Those that force you to step out of your comfort zone but are still attainable. 

Large Goals: Those daydreams that may seem out of reach right now but that you can work toward, one step at a time.

Take Daily Action to Reach Your Goals

It’s common for people to set goals and then sit back and wait for them to come to fruition. That doesn’t work! To reach your goals, you must take action. Break down each goal into smaller steps. If necessary, create daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly steps. Plot your daily money-making tasks.

Use all your resources: blog, social media, email list, affiliate connections, courses, and programs to boost your income. Outsource what you can, so you can focus on money-making tasks and the tasks that will help you reach your goals. Track your progress. Replicate what works, and ditch what doesn’t.

Avoid Goal-Setting Mistakes

The most common goal-setting mistakes are:
1. Procrastinating
2. Not prioritizing (too many goals can overwhelm you; prioritizing your most important goals will help you focus)
3. Being too vague (choose measurable goals)
4. Setting goals that are too lofty or ambitious
5. Not taking daily action (every task you undertake should lead you toward your goal)

Stay Inspired: Keep in Mind These Goal-Setting Superstars

Even the most successful celebrities and entrepreneurs have recognized their failures but set goals anyway—and gone on to create massive breakthroughs.

Michael Jordan, one of the best pro basketball players of all time, was rejected by his high school’s varsity basketball team because he was too short. But he had a goal: the NBA. He trained even harder, visualizing his name in a professional locker room.

Walt Disney was laughed out of several banks as he pursued funding for his Disneyland theme park. But he had a vision, which is now worth billions of dollars.

Thomas Edison, labeled as “stupid” by his teachers, held over 1,000 patents for new inventions. He’s most famous for inventing the light bulb—and for this quote: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

Let them inspire you.

Whatever happens, know that setting goals, taking action to achieve them, and pursuing them even in the face of adversity, will help you reach the kind of business success you envision.

For information on how to scale your business for effortless client attraction, learn about the Business Transformation Club.